Tuesday's letters: Alberta should ban U.S. liquor

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I am certain that Albertans would like to hear how Danielle Smith is responding to the 25-per-cent tariff to be imposed by Tuesday. We have heard how B.C., Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador are removing U.S. products in liquor stores, but nothing from Ms. Smith.
She promoted diplomacy, a strategy Trump sees as weakness, groveling, and which he ignores in his journey to create his dictatorship. Supported by his very wealthy “friends,” who all of a sudden are credited to be experts in world affairs, economics, defence, and security, Trump is not in the least concerned about Ms. Smith’s diplomatic overtures, or about anyone in Canada.
Perhaps Ms. Smith would consider joining the rest of Canada in a show of support against this bully. Frankly, it is an embarrassment to have Ms. Smith represent our province this way. I know fully well the implications to our oil industry. Many industries will suffer under the U.S. tariff, not just the oil industry. We need to be in this as Canadians.
Sheila Fraser, Sherwood Park
Where are freedom convoys now?
Funny, I don’t see a convoy of freedom-fighting truckers heading down to Washington, D.C. to honk and disturb and fight for the existential threat that Canadian democracy and freedom is facing. Is it because the funding had been provided by those below the 49th parallel who wish to undermine and sow discontent upon the Canadian citizenry? I guess that wouldn’t look good on their Facebook posts. They would perhaps be eaten by their own tribe of F-Trudeau adherents.
Or are they aware of the negative freedom of the United States and realize they wouldn’t get off so easily in an up and coming autocracy? What is the big deal? Trade the orange vest for an orange jumpsuit. Just get down there and be the freedom fighters you so claimed to be.
Grant Hammond, Edmonton
Trump’s agenda an old one
Mr. Trump’s true agenda for tariffs on Canada and Mexico is an old one: Manifest Destiny. This 19th century ideology holds that Americans are divinely ordained to settle the whole of North America. Mr. Trump wants to force two sovereign nations into submission. However, he should consider the alternative outcome, when these same two sovereign nations turn to other trading partners leaving the U.S. to experience another 19th century ideology: splendid isolation.
Valerie Moore, Edmonton
COVID report dangerous
Dozens of Alberta scientists, doctors and researchers rejected the recommendations contained in its recently released pandemic response report, which inaccurately reflects the body of scientific evidence. This anti-science stance not only endangers the health of Albertans, but also promotes a general distrust of evidence-based decision-making while misinformation and disinformation are rampant on much of social media, some mainstream media and even in some political discourse.
Approximately 6,000 Albertans have died from COVID-19 between 2020 and 2024. Had we followed the recommendations of the report for the past five years, there would have likely been thousands more deaths. It was the looser public health measures in the U.S. that was undoubtedly responsible for a U.S. COVID-19 death rate that was nearly three times that of the Canadian rate.
Promoting a distrust of science and misinforming the public has repercussions not only on our health, as similar tactics have been used to downplay the dangers of climate change and the benefits of renewable energy versus polluting fossil fuels. We must trust our public health experts and our climate scientists in the same way we trust our expert cardiologist, plumber and bridge-builder.
Victor Dorian, Edmonton
Canada, U.S. are partners
Just in case Donald Trump and his supporters don’t get this: Recently, Canadian firefighters were/are fighting fires in California, our Transportation Safety Board people are heading to Washington, D.C. to help with the investigation into that crash, and within the last week, an American tug boat helped push a Canadian ship stuck in ice out of Lake Erie.
As POTUS is busy creating enemies and fear of us, along with other politicians on both sides of the border, the people that make these two countries work, are working together. We, the people on either side of the 49th, and those on either side of the Alaska-Canada border have to start pointing this out to our leaders in Ottawa and D.C. And, um, Donald Trump; when Alaskans want it called Mount Denali, that should be the end of that story.
Warren Footz, St. Albert
Smith to blame for COVID report
The government’s COVID-19 report, founded on the strange beliefs of Alberta’s radical right and created by Premier Smith’s biased-towards-stupidity task force, is outrageously misleading and dangerous to the health of the general population. Perhaps noticing wide-ranging coherent and damning rational commentaries by educated and experienced health-care professionals, Smith will now attempt to duck the blame for this bizarre report by throwing a few of her “experts” under the government’s bus.
We should not allow this. When I connect the responsibility dots from right to more right, it ends at Smith. She herself, alone and responsible, is a threat to public health in Alberta and should find another job elsewhere.
Robert Vasseur, Spruce Grove
AHS board firing more UCP chaos
Once again, the UCP government has terminated the AHS board. This just proves the UCP government does not know what they are doing with our health-care system. And it is reported the minister is off to Washington for a prayer meeting? This proves the UCP government is out of control. If Premier Smith wants to hear contrary views, then call an election and I’m sure she will hear a lot of them.
Stephen Crocker, Edmonton
Thank Smith for lower oil tariffs
Congratulations are in order for the Iron Lady Premier Danielle Smith. In Canada’s three primary industries of services, natural resources and manufacturing, there are literally hundreds of different industry sectors and only Alberta oil received a discounted tariff of only 10 per cent when all other industries in Canada will be paying a 25-per-cent tariff.
Smith was the smartest and hardest-working premier, working professionally and diplomatically to protect Alberta. It is interesting to note: British Columbia and Manitoba are provinces with NDP premiers and those two provinces will be paying 25-per-cent tariffs on their top industry American exports. It’s not perfect, but Alberta would have been a lot worse off without Premier Smith’s stellar leadership.
On behalf of Albertans and the many communities that depend on our oil industry for their livelihoods, Premier Smith, please accept our deepest thanks and gratitude.
Chris Robertson, Stony Plain
Lower oil tariff not Smith’s doing
In reading Danielle Smith’s editorial, it is obvious that our illustrious premier still does not get it. She seems to think that due to the efforts of her government, the United States is only going to impose a 10-per-cent tariff on Canadian oil. I hate to burst your bubble, Danielle, but Donald Trump doesn’t care about you, your government or anyone else in Canada. A higher tariff would mean even higher prices at the pump for Americans, thus greater backlash against his government, in addition to the fact that the U.S. is reliant on this oil. Rest assured, this is his primary motivation.
Smith continues to bash the federal government, blaming them for all of Alberta’s woes. This schtick is getting really old and tired. It’s time to pick another scapegoat to blame for your incompetence. Unlike Smith’s pandering to Trump, the federal government and other premiers understand how to deal with a bully. Stand up to him, and hit back.
We as a country must stay united and resolute if we are going to successfully defend ourselves from this unjust attack on our economy. It’s time to show some leadership, Danielle, and join the rest of us, in the defence of our nation.
Byron Bailey, St. Albert
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