Wednesday's letters: Smith not a traitor but a quisling

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I applaud our premier and her strategy for dealing with the Trump administration’s threats to our economy and sovereignty. I think her unique “bend-over-and-grab-our-ankles” strategy will bring us stupendous results.
For all those people out there protesting our premier by calling her a traitor to Canada, let’s be civil about this and be accurate in our usage: A traitor implies that we are at war with the U.S., which we are not. I think the more appropriate term you are looking for is either collaborator or quisling, with each interchangeable.
Our glorious and master-communicator premier has made it perfectly clear there is a limit (or price) that she is only so willing to pay to protect Canada. Why should we question her loyalty? I mean it wasn’t like she had to be explained via a PowerPoint presentation that she didn’t have the same level of political power as a U.S. governor.
P.J. Brown, Edmonton
Meeting with sexual abuser tone-deaf
Danielle Smith’s latest stunt — jetting off to meet Donald Trump, a twice-impeached felon and court-confirmed sexual abuser — isn’t just tone-deaf; it’s an insult. In Alberta, 43 per cent of people have experienced sexual violence — almost one in every two. Survivors are left navigating underfunded shelters, under-resourced systems, and an overburdened justice system. Their premier? She’s busy shaking hands with a man who thinks consent is optional.
Did Smith pause for even a moment to think about those survivors? Or was she too focused on perfecting her grin for the cameras? Maybe she told herself, “It’s fine, I’m not his type.” But the message she sent is loud and clear: survivors don’t matter. Their experiences don’t matter. What matters is a photo-op with someone who’s famous for being dangerous to women.
And let’s not forget, Smith made this little jaunt with her trusty Canadian passport. Sovereignty didn’t seem so important when it meant flying off to Mar-a-Lago, did it? Alberta deserves a leader who fights for its people — not one who trades survivors’ trust for a seat at a felon’s table.
Jason Cook, Edmonton
Albertans need a new leader
Trump’s tariff threats have smoked out the traitors amongst us. Even before he is in office, the cowards and the greedy are rushing to?Mar-a-Lago?to meet him on bended knees to kiss his ring. Smith is ready to sell us out for her own benefit.
She is betraying the farmers, ranchers, foresters, and the ordinary people of Alberta. She is a puppet of the oil oligarchs. The UCP must choose a new leader who will fight for Canadian-Albertans. If the UCP won’t do it, let’s have a provincial election to see if Albertans are Canadians, or American sympathizers.
Ken Zinyk, Edmonton
Don’t demolish the old museum
Re. “Edmontonians favour saving museum building,” Jan. 20
I’m going to say what a lot of people are thinking; the old museum was nicer than the new one. Don’t tear it down.
Les Finnigan, Edmonton
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