Saturday's letters: Boycott travel to the U.S.
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It seems to me that the best way to get Donald Trump’s attention and make him think again about trying to wreck our Canadian economy is to have some pretty good pushback of our own. Canadians love to travel all over the world. Maybe, we should boycott U.S. travel and spend our money and time enjoying other enticing travel abroad.
Anita Moore, Edmonton
No need for kindergarten tests
Re. “Teachers’ union pans mandatory testing for kindergarten students,” Jan. 9
The UCP government thinks they know everything. If the educators think there is no need to test the kindergarten children, please respect their professional opinion. The test could be an early labelling of a five-year-old who may not be ready for the test. How do the child and the parents feel when the child is being considered as having “learning disabilities?”
I am sure any kindergarten teacher can identify those students who are behind in reading, without using the test. My other concern is whether the government will provide for funding to hire more education assistants to help those children. Administering the tests without follow-up support to those students gives no meaning to the whole process.
Evelyna Huang, Edmonton
Anti-car policies hard on Glenora
Trump following Putin’s playbook
Donald Trump makes outrageous threats against Canada, Denmark and Panama on the pretense of gaining economic and military security. What’s behind his disturbing rhetoric? Is he using Vladimir Putin’s playbook perhaps? Anne Applebaum, of Pulitzer fame, describes Putin’s Russia, as follows: ” … a full-blown autocratic kleptocracy, a mafia state built and managed entirely for the purpose of enriching its leaders.” (Autocracy, Inc., 2024)
Does the president-elect, given his admiration for Putin, have similar goals in mind — to transform the U.S. to look more like Putin’s Russia? Consider, for example, the time Trump shared classified information with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office in 2017. Recall Trump as supplicant, meeting with Putin at the Helsinki summit in 2018, when he sided with Putin, contrary to FBI intelligence confirming Russian election interference in 2016.
If Trump’s threats and expansionist aims are more than just bombast, could Canada, Denmark and Panama one day find themselves suffering a fate similar to that of Ukraine? Canada must take strong actions to respond, or find itself in peril.
Eugene Ewanyshyn, Edmonton
L.A. fires show need for emissions cap
What a well-chosen moment not to waver on the proposed emissions cap. Look south, folks. Look at Los Angeles. That’s what emissions do, and what they stand ready to do more of.
Isobel Grundy, Edmonton
Old-time imperialism in store next door
It would appear that Canada has its very own Vladimir Putin next door with imperialism very much in the picture. Welcome to the 19th century.
Valerie Moore, Edmonton
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