Growing Things: Start planning your container gardens now — yes, in January

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Ok, I know what the first reaction is going to be when you read the topic of today’s column, which is planning annual containers.
After all, we are still in the dead of winter. Dead is the keyword.
I’ve had enough of the dead winter, and my mind is turning to the green of spring and summer. What better way to lose the winter doldrums than to start thinking and planning your containers?
Container gardening continues to grow in popularity by leaps and bounds. This form of gardening is as popular as it is because of its versatility. Containers with flowering plants can be used virtually anywhere and can brighten up any area.
I use some of mine under spruces to add a splash of colour or even under shade trees next to a bench or seat. The containers add colour and interest no matter where they are. I also use mine in beds next to established perennials or shrubs. I like the ability to change things up and move one container out and another in for some variety and a fresh look. The old idea of only using a container on a deck or patio has been transformed. Now containers can be in the flowerbed and actually be the bed.
One of the best sources of ideas for container combinations can be found on the Proven Winners website. I am always inspired by the suggestions and container recipes found on this website.
I have used these recipes in the past and have a few examples to share to get you started:
Penny for Your Thoughts – I just really like this combination. There is something uplifting about the look and I think it makes for a great cascading planter that can accent a fence or wall or even be used on an outdoor table. Just let it trail off the table for a nice look.
Angelonia (Summer Snapdragon) Angelface Blue Qty: 2
Lobelia Laguna Sky Blue Qty: 2
Petunia Supertunia Lemon Plume Qty: 2
Petunia Supertunia Mini Rose Veined Qty: 2
Verbena Babylon Deep Pink Qty: 2
Simply Tasteful — A great collection of purples.
Petunia Supertunia Mini Blue Veined Qty: 3
Calibrachoa Superbells Blue Qty: 3
Petunia Supertunia Bordeaux Qty: 3
Angelonia (Summer Snapdragon) Angelface Blue Qty: 1
Copper Sunset – A great mix of foliage in shades of chartreuse to bronze.
Acalypha (Copperleaf Plant) ?Qty: 1
Solenostemon (Coleus) Juliet Quartermain Qty: 3
Deutzia Chardonnay Pearls Qty: 2
Oxalis Zinfandel Qty: 2
Vinca ‘Illumination’ Qty: 2
Black Velvet – Bright lemon Symphony and Goldilocks just stand out among the dark purples and blues.
Lysimachia (Creeping Jenny) Goldilocks Qty: 3
Osteospermum Lemon Symphony Qty: 3
Petunia Supertunia Royal Velvet Qty: 3
Verbena Superbena Large Lilac Blue Qty: 3
Ipomoea (Sweet Potato Vine) Black Heart Qty: 3
You can find images of most of these plants right on the Proven Winners website
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