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Paula Eve Kirman is one of five acts at A Very Collins Christmas Saturday night at Collins Studio Gallery.Photo by supplied photo /Dan Hempel
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A Very Collins Christmas: Chameleon artist Jeff Collins gathers artists and musicians alike to his humble space off 118 Avenue year round, but Saturday night’s show is for a wonderful cause.
Three to See Edmonton Events: A Very Collins Christmas, Justice4Reel Film Fest, Skeleton CrewBack to video
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Five talented local acts are playing for someone else’s supper, namely via Edmonton’s Food Bank.
On Santa’s nice list here are folk singer and social activist Paula Eve Kirman, multi-instrumentalist M.O.A.I.N., singer-songwriter Maeve Bezaire, clarinetist Don Ross and the improv duo of Will Northlich-Redmond and Matt McKenzie.
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Details: 8 p.m. – 11 p.m. at Collins Studio Gallery (11741 94 St.), no charge with Food Bank donation.
Justice4Reel Film Festival: Slipping one last film fest into a cinematically bubbling year, this weeklong fest put on by the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights focuses on documentary stories of oppression and resistance.
Opening with Stolen Time, which follows a charismatic elder-rights lawyer taking on the for-profit nursing home industry, 10 films cover topics like the Sixties Scoop, mining’s environmental degradation, police overstep and the pushback on trans rights.
Next Saturday there are two screenings — Los Colones and Principles of Resistance: The Gordon Hirabayashi Story, 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. — then a casual evening event.
Full sked and free tickets at ?— looks extremely eye-opening!
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Details: Tuesday to Dec. 18 at CKUA (9804 Jasper Ave.), no charge.
Skeleton Crew: The premise to this latest Star Wars series, to be honest, looked pretty dank: a bunch of suburban space kids get lost in the cosmos — hoo boy.
But I was very wrong, it’s great, bubbling with an actual sense of wonder in a modern space show, go figure!
From their subtly fascist home planet to absolutely insane Easter Eggs from Captain EO to the deepest edges of Star Wars (including the Christmas Special and Battle for Endor), the sense of white-knuckle peril is real in that delightfully ’80s Spielberg way.
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