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Sophie Buddle plays The Comic Strip in WEM Friday through Sunday.Supplied
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Sophie Buddle: One of the funniest Instagram feeds out there is run by a former Ottawan/Vancouverite who won a 2020 Juno for her album A Lil Bit of Buddle.
Three to See Edmonton Events: Sophie Buddle, Girl Brain at Roxy, and Interstella 5555Back to video
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That was a long time ago in global trauma years, but all along, Buddle has been doing her effortlessly hilarious observational humour in clubs, which involves a sweet sort of grinning raunchiness that perfectly balances making fun of herself and also everything around her. See her bit on catfishing old men, for example.
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Details: 9:45 p.m. Friday, 7 p.m. Saturday/Sunday, 9:30 p.m. Saturday at The Comic Strip (Bourbon Street, WEM), $32.50 at
Weekend at Girlies: An antidote to all the snow and ice-bumpy roads, Girl Brain’s latest production is — why not! — all-inclusive, Mexican-getaway-themed.
With new characters inhabiting also-new sketches (plus the promise of fart jokes), the local legendary Alyson Dicey, Ellie Heath, and Caley Suliak are blessed with special appearances by Vira Von Velvet, Tiff Hall and Stretcher Hymen — and no, that’s not some kind of Polkaroo thing where the actors disappear and show up in different costumes!
Bring donation menstrual products for No Period Without?and enjoy the tarot Readings by Roro in the lobby on Friday and Saturday nights.
Girl Brain’s Weekend at Girlies runs at the Roxy Theatre through Dec. 22.Photo by supplied image
Details: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays – Saturdays with 1:30 p.m. Sunday matinees through Dec. 22 at the Roxy Theatre (10708 124 St.), $26 at
Interstella 5555 (2023): Daft Punk and Leiji Matsumoto’s fairly insane musical anime tells the story of an alien band abducted by an evil human, rarely seen in complete, supercut form.
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To pad it out with more creative goodness, the remastered hour-long film will be followed by other amazing Daft Punk vids up on the big screen, directed by the likes of Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry (this one’s so good), Roman Coppola and more.
Space helmets are not required, but hey, if you’re feeling it … one more tiiiime!
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