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New Moon Folk Club's A Night of Rising Stars pays tribute to Bill Bourne Friday night.Photo by Tracy Grabowski /Supplied
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Night of Rising Stars: New Moon Folk Club pays tribute to the late Bill Bourne with an evening honouring the craft and mentorship of the Juno-award-winning roots musician.
Three to See Edmonton Events: Bill Bourne tribute, Naughty Nanise's Cabaret, and Jon MickBack to video
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Friday night’s next-generation rising stars include vocal powerhouse Sammy Volkov, back-from-hiatus musical storyteller Laurell Kanji, “prairie wild rose” Kaylin Kowalyshyn, singer-guitarist-pianist Kaiya Kodie, fiddle phenomenon Brianna Lizotte, and avant-jazz sparkplug Billie Zizi — each with connections to Bourne, who we lost to cancer in April 2022.
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Presented in the round, the players will tell stories and play the local legend’s music on a night that shows how a legacy can go on with a life of its own.
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Details: doors 6:30 p.m., show 7:30 p.m. Friday at St. Basil’s Cultural Centre (10819 71 Ave.), $20/student, $30/general admission at
Naughty Nanise’s Next Nice Holiday Cabaret: ‘Tis the season for musical buffets, which brings us to North Country Fair poet and folk-punk Nanise’s whirly creative gathering.
On the roster here is the charming indie country of Swear By the Moon, the bumpin’ Bitters, Lindsay Pratt of The Hearts, Brava! and some burlesque — perhaps even Nanise’s drag king, Floyd Minster, himself!
This one is guaranteed to be a banger of a mash-up, so stick a couple of Advils in that little jeans pocket where you’re supposed to keep a picture of your pet in advance.
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Details: 8 p.m. Friday at Yardbird Suite (11 Tommy Banks Way), $29 at
Jon Mick: “Jon used to do a lot of comedy,” reads his self-penned writeup, “and now he’s back doing a little of comedy. His unique brand of observation and self-deprecation will have you chortling like mad.
“Please be very supportive because he has self-esteem issues.”
It’s all true. Mick is hilarious, and one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen is him imploding on stage when it was going terribly. Go get ’em, buddy!
This week’s The Stand Up Show, hosted by Adam Dyck, also features Steven Darnell and Hayley Sinclair.
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