Sending an opinion article or letter to the Edmonton Journal
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Opinion articles and letters to the editor are welcome. Here’s what you should know about writing one and how to increase your chances of publication.
Opinion articles
The basics:
- Opinion articles — also known as guest columns, op-eds or commentaries — with a focus on current affairs in the Edmonton region and Alberta are preferred.
- Please do not submit anything previously published elsewhere. Let us know if you are submitting it to more than one publication simultaneously.
- Required length is 600 to 680 words. Pieces may be edited for length and clarity.
- Writers should have experience or expertise in the subject matter. Please include a line at the end briefly summarizing your relevant credentials or background.
- If you have a personal involvement with the topic you are writing about, this should be disclosed.
- Please do not submit op-eds in the format of an open letter addressed to a third party, such as to the premier
- We can accommodate a maximum of four names in a byline. If a commentary has multiple signatories, either we may indicate at the bottom that there are other signatories, or, if the number is small, their names may appear at the bottom of the piece as co-authors.
- The name of a person (or persons) must appear in the byline, not the name of an organization.
- If you have online sources, you may include links which may appear in the web version of the article.
- Please send your text in the body of your email, not in an attachment.
- Be aware that we receive many submissions and can print only a few. We may not be able to acknowledge receipt of all submissions or explain why an article was not published. Work accepted for publication will usually be acknowledged a day or two before it is published.
- Factual accuracy is essential.
- The Journal does not pay a freelance fee for opinion pieces.
- Any op-ed article we publish may also run in other Postmedia outlets.
- Please send op-ed submissions to or
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Writing tips:
- An opinion piece needs to be just that: an opinion or argument aimed at persuading readers to your point of view. It should go beyond analysis; the author should advocate for something or criticize something.
- An op-ed article is usually written in the style of a personal essay. If it’s your first op-ed, it’s a good idea to read the Journal’s opinion section for examples.
- Topical: You should make it clear early on why you’re writing about the subject now. It’s better if there has been a recent development or one is anticipated.
- Original: The op-ed should add new information or arguments to the conversation.
- Authority: The author should have pertinent expertise or more than average familiarity with the topic.
- Readable: A good op-ed should be engaging, clear and well-argued. Avoid academic jargon or formal language and make use of concrete examples. A good way to end is to remind readers of your point in a clear, definitive way.
- Fair: While taking on their arguments is expected, avoid name-calling, belittling or demonizing your opponents.
- Audience: Remember that you are writing for a general audience who may need basic context to fully understand your argument and why it matters.
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Letters to the Editor:
- Letters should be under 200 words and the shorter they are, the better the chance of publication.
- Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
- Please include a phone number and address to help verify identity. These will not be published, only the name of your community.
- To avoid confusion with those having similar names, please provide your first and last name or two initials and a last name. We do not publish anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms.
- We do not usually print poetry, cartoons, or songs in this forum.
- Please send the letter in the body of an email, not as an attachment.
- Remember that not every letter can be published.
- Letters should be sent uniquely to us.
- To give as many people as possible a chance at publication, we try to limit letter writers to one published letter a month.
- Send letters to
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